March Newsletter 2018

Autonomous Tenants Union Postcard Campaign Brings Success, Policing & Gentrification, #NoCopAcademy Visits 33rd Ward’s Deb Mell, Downtown Lift The Ban Action, and more in Albany Park.


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Do influencers influence for good or bad?

We hear about these in influencers in many ways, they may be make-up influencers with a youtube channel full of make-up tutorial videos, they could be a mommy blogger with an extensive blog that includes their favorite recipes and style tips, or they could be an athlete or actor who has gained fame through a popular program or sport. No matter how they got their start they have influence over thousands and possibly millions of people.

Since they have this credibility in their industry it is easy for an influencer to sway their followers to try a new program, buy a new clothing piece or shop somewhere they do. This form of persuasion is gold for PR professionals. They like influencers because they allow them to have easy access to a target demographic for their product or company without as much work.

I find influencers to be extremely interesting because there are so many different types out there that the possibilities for influence are endless. I also think that the challenges that come with working influencers to be fascinating. Often challenges that come along with this trend often question the ethics of both parties involved. The first challenge is getting the influencer to agree to promote a product for money. The second challenge is making sure as the influencer that you are clear and transparent with your viewers or followers that you are being paid to promote the product.

If these challenges are overcome a company can profit greatly from this tactic. Influencers can bring in thousands of new consumers who can become loyal to your brand. This PR tactic can be risky but is worth the risk for many influencers and companies because of the impact it can create.

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